What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

The first and most common sign of sleep apnea is usually observed by your partner: snoring. In addition to snoring, they might also tell you that you make gasping or choking sounds while you're asleep.

Additionally,  you might notice some other symptoms too such as

1. Constant tiredness 

2. Lack of energy

3. Poor concentration 

4. Morning headaches 

5. Sexual dysfunction 

6. Forgetfulness

7. Depressed mood 

8. Night sweats 

9. Frequent urination at night 

10. Weight Gain 

Remember, these symptoms may not always relate to sleep apnea, so please discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor to ensure that an accurate diagnosis is made. 

Moreover, if you suspect you have sleep apnea, you can take our Sleep Apnea Quiz our try our revolutionary and free myNight app to determine if you are at risk of sleep apnea.  


read more about sleep apnea here