- ResMed Asia Product Support
- Masks
- AirFit™ P30i
Can all patients fit with AirFit P30i? Why does the small starter pack only come with two nasal pillow cushions?
No contraindications
Starter packs come with two (small starter pack) or three (standard starter pack) nasal pillow cushion sizes
No expanded fitting range with Large nasal pillow in small starter pack
There are no contranindications that would prevent you from fulfilling perscriptions with the AirFit P30i. It has been designed with ease, simplicity, and breadth of use in mind. To simplify fitting, the standard starter pack comes with all three nasal pillow cushions so patient can easily find which is most comfortable. The small starter pack comes with just two nasal pillow cushions (small and medium) as adding the large nasal pillow didn’t make our fitting range any wider. The frame system with the small frame and large nasal pillow cushion is available as a spare (63863).